Why aren’t we running like we’re on fire toward our wildest dream?
Take a moment and sit with that one, my friend. What is holding YOU back? I saw that quote pop up on Instagram the other day and it really stuck with me. You see, even though I’ve been on fire the past few years really and truly pursuing my dream life, I still find myself at times letting that flame die down into just a nice, cozy sit-by-the-fireplace-sipping-tea-doing-nothing kinda flame… Which is why so many of us end up getting stuck. It’s comfortable. At first it’s a warm and cozy kind of comfort. Then, when we start to feel like there’s something else we are really longing for, it becomes a bit more quicksand-like. Slowly sucking the life and desire out of us bit by bit. The getting out of the cozy, desire dampening place is a lot of WORK, though. And it’s legit SCARY. My overthinking mind can easily come up with at least 10 different scenarios for how things could go wrong. So instead maybe I’ll just stay right here and numb my mind with social media, Netflix, or cleaning out my sock drawer if I’m feeling like I need to be “productive”. You see, your brain and your nervous system are hard wired to keep you safe. Your instinct is always going to be to protect what is, even when what is no longer serves you. This is why we stay in the long overdue for a breakup relationship, job, friendship, bad habit, or place. At least we know what to expect there and we’ve gotten so comfortable with it that it seems “Ok”. We adapt, we adjust, and we learn to tolerate the intolerable. I’ve done this exact thing time and time again in my life. The expired marriages, the soul-sucking jobs…I’ve had my fair share. So how do I get unstuck? You ask… As with any scary thing you try for the first time, that first leap is always then most terrifying. But once you leap, you feel the RUSH of joy and freedom that were waiting just on the other side of fear. You realize that you are way the heck more capable and strong than you gave yourself credit for. And after doing it a few more times you start to love that feeling of fear mixed with excitement. That’s exactly how I feel now every time I roll back into the water with a scuba tank strapped to my back. It’s that euphoric rush combined with the knowing that what I’m about to do is going to be truly magical that keeps me craving more. I’ve literally re-wired my brain and my old fear story that I used to have about the ocean and all of the scary things that live there. And the more I flex that muscle the easier it gets to use it for whatever new fear story pops up in my life. I have finally learned to TRUST MYSELF and the Universe and to be ok with that temporary feeling of uncertainty. It’s in that space of not knowing that the most magical transformation can occur if you can only be ok with being pretty uncomfortable for a limited period of time. Not sure if are ready, but the idea sounds pretty intriguing? All it takes is one thought that leads to one small step. As a Life Reinvention Coach it’s my job to help you figure out those thoughts and steps along the journey to your DREAM LIFE. I’m here to help you find your inner GPS and then to hold you accountable along the path. When the roadblocks appear, I’m here to help you navigate around them. And when you have your first, and second, and 10th success - I’m here to CELEBRATE with you! Yes, it is seriously rewarding work I get to do and it’s that reminder of how much I love it that keeps me from getting too cozy along my journey.
February 2023
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