“One of the hardest lessons in life is letting go. Whether it’s hurt, anger, love, loss, or betrayal - change is never easy. We fight to hold on and we fight to let go.”
I love the simple equation from my gal and mindfulness expert, Tara Brach: anything X resistance = suffering I’d like you to call to mind a time when you held onto something or someone for a bit too long. It might have been a relationship, a job, a habit, an old car…something that was once good, precious, and served you at the time, but over time it just no longer fit you. Think about how it felt when you came to that realization? Often our resistance to change is born out of fear – fear of the unknown, fear of not being worthy of something better, fear that we are making a huge mistake. Even though the situation is no longer a positive one, we’d rather be stuck and miserable than face that fear. How long did you hold onto that thing or person before life forced you to let go? When we allow things to pass their expiration date we open ourselves up to greater levels of suffering in the form of resentment, anger, sadness and depression. Of course, letting go of something will always have some of those feelings present, but the degree is definitely multiplied when we add resistance to the equation. Today I invite you to try out the intention of “I let go of things that no longer serve me”. Keep this one in your pocket for the next time you find yourself in a situation that is no longer serving your highest good. Here’s a great little mindfulness practice to help you lighten your daily load. Finding Lightness of Being in Your Daily Life o This week I invite you to stay open and aware to situations that feel heavy and sticky. o When you find yourself noticing that feeling take a few moments to sit with it. Notice where it is present in your body. o As you sit with the feeling, begin to picture a bright light filling that heavy space. The light enters and dissolves the heaviness. o Repeat the intention from this week of “I let go of things that no longer serve me” as you continue to sit and breath into that lightness and spaciousness you are creating. o When you feel ready, take a few slow breaths and thank yourself for taking time to practice mindfulness! xoxo,Mary
Hello my friend! Today I want to share with you a few different tips and techniques for creating simple, yet oh so wonderful life changes!
First, let’s look at some quick life hacks you can start making every day - Stop comparing yourself to everyone else Teddy Roosevelt said it best, “Comparison is the thief of joy”. When you are constantly looking outwards and measuring your progress or worth by someone else, you will never feel like you measure up. Celebrate YOU and every little accomplishment. Look in the mirror every day and tell yourself you are enough This has been a life-long journey for me and it is still one of my most used mantras. “I am ENOUGH”. I am constantly reminding myself that I don’t need to BE or DO anything more than what I am right now to feel loved and accepted. Own it, my friend, and repeat often! Move your body every single day - walk, dance, do yoga, hulahoop - just MOVE! One of the best purchases I ever made was my Fitbit. It is so easy to get sucked into working on a project and forget to move your body. Next thing you know, you feel like a dried up slug stuck to a chair. My Fitbit encourages me to get up and move every hour AND my daily goal of at least 10,000 steps ensures that I’m getting into a healthy fat-burn zone throughout the day. Stop complaining This one might just be the hardest habit to break. Start out by noticing how often those complaints form in your mind throughout the day. How many of them are the same old ones repeating over and over? A friend of mine actually did a challenge using a colored band he wore on one wrist. Every time he complained throughout the day, he switched it to the other wrist as a reminder. Day by day, he noticed he switched it less and less…and he felt more and more happy about life!! Practice gratitude THIS ONE IS THE GOLD STAR my friend. The most transformative practice you can include in your day to day life is to stop everything and simply be grateful. Grateful for what you do have, grateful for who you are right now, grateful for all the goodness. A couple of years ago, I started keeping a daily gratitude journal. Every morning Andy and I get up and do our morning routine which includes writing down three things we are grateful for that day. This practice truly re-wires your brain and I promise will absolutely change your life for the better! Not all transformation comes in the form of BIG BOLD changes. These simple daily lifestyle changes (when practiced regularly) are guaranteed to make you feel like a shiny, new person! I highly recommend getting everyone in your circle on board with these new habits. It's much easier to stick to a new way of being when you have a buddy to do it with. Grab a friend or two and make the commitment with them today to try my 5 lifestyle changes for a whole week! Reminder: "Yesterday is heavy, put it down" How much of your past are you hauling around with you every day? One of my fellow life coaches, Michelle Chalfant, likes to refer to the stuff we carry from the past as "concrete suitcases" and I just love that image. That shit is HEAVY!! While I'm all about learning from the past, there's just no sense in dragging it around with you into the present. What we are not willing to let go of keeps us from the goodness that is still out there waiting for you. Do you have some old baggage and stories that you are ready to release? The first step is to identify them. Write them down and sit with them. Then very sweetly and lovingly tell those old bags thank you for serving you all these years and let them go. Picture yourself becoming physically lighter as you release the past. Now smile and start to envision all the new and wonderful life experiences you are ready to bring on! I’d LOVE to hear how my tips and simple changes are working for you! Shoot me a reply and I’ll help keep you accountable as you work on transforming your life! xoxo, Mary It’s August 1st and for many of my friends that means the end of another wonderful summer vacation and the impending return to school teaching. You may not know this about me, but once upon a time I myself was an elementary teacher. I taught for a total of 12 years with most of my time in 3rd & 4th grade in the San Marcos Unified District.
Today I thought I’d share with you the process that led me to teaching and the realization that teaching, in whatever form, is truly my passion and my dharma in life. Up until the end of my first marriage (I’ll be sharing a bit about this on my Friday Aug 6th Instagram post, so stay tuned for that), I spent my life allowing other people to make up my mind for me. It seemed like a great way to not have to make big, scary decisions on my own. Plus, I was convinced that everyone else around me had this “life thing” figured out and I was the only one who was confused and terrified to do it on my own. I decided to major in broadcasting & TV in college after having several people tell me what a great news anchor I would make. I knew nothing about the news business, I just knew I enjoyed being in front of a camera and speaking so it seemed like as good a choice as any. Needless to say, I found out after a brief stint as a reporter in Fresno, CA that it was a horrible choice for me and definitely not a lifestyle and atmosphere I wanted to spend my life doing. Fast forward to 1995…I now have a 1-year-old son and am divorced from his father (husband #1). I’ve made the decision to move back home to San Diego to live with my parents and get back on my feet again. I’d spent the past 4 years following my brief stint at the Fox affiliate station, working as an executive assistant at a bank. It was a job with good pay and benefits, but nothing more. I knew in my heart that there was something in this world I was truly meant to be doing and it was time to figure that out. Now this was pre-yoga days for me, my friend. I didn’t know words like “dharma” and I really had no clue that the voices in my head were just a lot of noise and that my truth lived somewhere deeper inside of me. BUT in retrospect I think maybe I did… (you see they say the answers and the truth are already in us and I am now a total believer!) I can distinctly recall sitting in my tiny apartment in Fresno and taking a moment to be still – not something I was good at back in those days. In that stillness I asked myself, “When in your life have you been the happiest and felt the most connected?” Immediately the answer came to me. It was during the 3 summers when I taught camp for the United Spirit Association!! You see, I was a tall flag girl in high school and that morphed into a summer job leading camps in tall flag and cheer for high school students. That time was TRULY the BEST! I loved everything about it! Being in charge of a group of students, creating routines, teaching, and watching my students learn and grow was 100% satisfying. I was completely in my element and fulfilled on all levels. Now I wasn’t going to go back to teaching camp, but the decision I made was to go to National University and obtain my elementary education credential. It was the perfect choice for me at that time of my life! I was a thoroughly happy teacher for many years and know that I had a huge impact on the lives of so many young minds. Eventually, my love of teaching school waned more from the administrative and legislative drama and dogma than from my love for teaching small humans and I made yet another life u-turn. My dharma and passion have remained the same, though. Nowadays, I guide and teach as a certified life coach, yoga & mindfulness teacher! I teach others to listen to their inner GPS and to not fear the unknown. I’m here to help you navigate the journey of life and to connect with your true purpose and passion. You only have this one precious life, my friend and there is so much life out there to be lived! Keep reinventing yourself! |
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