This final week of my January Self-care Reboot Challenge, we are wrapping things up with a big dose of Self-Care to protect and nurture your ENERGY. The energetic body encompasses all layers of our being – body, mind & spirit. What you do to either serve or to harm one system of the body has an energetic impact on all others. What you feed your physical body has an impact on how your mind functions along with how in or out of touch you feel with your deeper SOUL connection. If one system is completely out of whack from lack of exercise, poor nutrition, stress, or depression then the ENERGETIC BODY is weak. On the other hand, if you are including healthy daily practices that nourish and nurture your physical, mental & spiritual being then your energetic vibration will be HIGH. Energy Vampires are everywhere and just like those handsome but deadly Hollywood Vampires, energy vampires prey on the weak and suck them dry. This might be an actual person who being with leaves you feeling drained, a job that sucks away your joy, too many commitments you’ve made because you lack healthy boundaries, or that remote control that sucks you into binge watching TV instead of moving your body. Sound familiar? Check in with yourself right now. Can you feel your energetic vibration? Depending on how your day and week have been going, you might feel flat and dull or you might feel tingly and bright. I’ve had a bit of a roller coaster energetically lately. I went from the super high energy of my amazing women’s retreat to Mexico to catching a bug that is currently draining my energy as I type this today. Ugh. My personal goal for this next week is to replenish and rest my body so I can get back to that high I came home from Mexico feeling! This week I encourage you to turn your daily focus to how you are vibrating and to what makes that vibration feel stronger or weaker. You might notice a certain food, activity, or person either contributes to or depletes your energy. The more in tune you become, the easier it gets to course correct when you start to drift energetically. Why is this important? Well, because we are ALL ENERGETIC BEINGS and like attracts like. If I’m flatlining energetically no one and nothing wants to be in my space except other flatliners (or maybe my dog who is happy to sit curled up on my lap all day long...) On the other hand, if I’m shining like a SUPERNOVA out to the world, guess what? Everything is attracted to that power I’m sending out and magically life starts to work in my favor. Now this doesn’t mean that you should try at all costs to avoid the occasional bad days. Bad days happen. Crappy things happen that get you down. You get sick. Or you just feel the need to retreat and recharge. That, my friend, is just being human. The trick is to be AWARE. To notice when you are feeling depleted and give yourself time for some nurturing. And then to make sure you don’t get stuck there on the couch, remote in hand, dog on lap for tooooo long. You see, the Universe is counting on you to SHINE that amazing ENERGETIC BODY of YOURS out to the world. It’s truly what you are here to do!
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